Master Of Music

The Institute for Pop Music at the Folkwang University of the Arts runs a postgraduate Masters course for pop artists. Supervised by a team of professionally qualified lecturers, students extensively develop their artistic personalities and projects over four semesters – from a content-related, organisational, aesthetic and legal perspective. This culminates in the Master of Music degree.


The ‘Popular Music’ Masters practical arts course is an interdisciplinary project course aimed at artists with a Bachelor degree and artistic experience. The focus is on creating pop music as an independent art form…

The Institute

The Institute for Pop Music at the Folkwang University of the Arts began operations at the Folkwang Bochum campus in October 2014. It runs a postgraduate Masters course for pop artists, and considers itself a place of both learning and thinking. It doesn’t see pop music simply as a rigid ‘style’, but rather as a dynamic form of contemporary art that always appears in relation to other art forms …

Master of Music

Project-based studies
for pop artists